The International Organization for Foreign Affairs (JITCO) and others have announced that the application process has started when accepting specific skilled foreign nationals from the Philippines, which has been underadjustment for a long time.
Business operators who are willing to accept specific skilled foreigners from the Philippines must submit the necessary documents to the Philippine Overseas Workers' Office (POLO), a sea-go ingone body of the Philippine Overseas Employment Agency (POEA), and obtain approval. The contents of the contract used when sending Filipinos to Japan, which are necessary for the procedure, were not firm, and the application for acceptance was effectively delayed.
According to POLO's specific skills page, the following documents will be required to apply.
- Application form for certification (with form)
- Business license (with English translation with translator's signature and seal)
- Company profile (with form)
- A copy of the company's registry (in the case of a private business, a business permit and the most recent tax payment certificate)
- Specific Skills The job description and salary instructions for which Filipinos are engaged (in form)
- Recruit Agreement with Sending Organization (with Form)
- A copy of the Philippine Overseas Employment Agency license of the sending agency
- A copy of the passport of the representative of the sending agency
- A copy of the passport of the representative of the host organization
- Job application form (with form)
- Employment contract (in form)
- A pledge that the salary payment manual and the same salary system as Japanese peers are (in form)
- Company information, brochures, etc.
If these procedures have obtained POLO approval, certain skills Filipinos will be able to obtain an Overseas Employment Certificate (OEC) from POEA.